Seafood Facts

Whether you need new trivia questions or you just want to learn about our favorite species, we have a bunch of fun seafood facts for you!

Do you know the top three consumed seafoods in the US? Shrimp, Salmon, and then Tuna. Americans eat over 4 pounds per capita of Shrimp per year.

Argentine Red Shrimp:

  • Argentine Red Shrimp have a short reproduction cycle, fully reproducing in 12-16 months, which has enabled a natural sustainability for harvesting.
  • The global market for Argentine Red Shrimp has been steadily increasing over the last 10 years.

Vannamei Shrimp:

  • Vannamei is the leading farm-raised shrimp species in the Western hemisphere.
  • Its wide salt-tolerance range and a rapid growth making it ideal for aquaculture climates.
  • White shrimp are carnivorous, feeding on krill, sandworms, mollusks, oysters, and anchovies.

Branzino or Mediterranean Sea Bass:

  • Branzino is native to the Mediterranean sea, though they can also be found throughout shallow coastal waters and river mouths as they travel south for the winter into warmer waters.
  • They are a night-hunter that feeds on small fish, crustaceans, and fish eggs.
  • Mediterranean Sea Bass can grow up to 3 pounds, though it averages 1-2 lbs.

Chilean Sea Bass:

  • The Patagonian toothfish was renamed “Chilean Sea Bass” in the 1970s to make it more appealing to customers.
  • Chilean sea bass are a long-lived fish not maturing until 10 years of age and possessing a life span of 50 years.
  • These fish typically weigh 10-20lbs, though adult toothfish can reach up to 7.5 feet in length and up to 220lbs!

Mahi Mahi:

  • The words “Mahi Mahi” translate to “very strong.”
  • Mahi Mahi are also called the dolphin fish because they have a large, blunt dolphin-shaped head, and they often swim ahead of ships, like dolphins.
  • The dolphin fish is an extremely fast swimmer than can reach speeds of up to 60 mph.
  • Mahi-Mahi are a fast-growing, short-lived species reaching maturity within the first year.
  • The spawning season for these fish occur 2-3 times a year.

Spanish Octopus:

  • An Octopus has no bones.
  • They have three hearts: two move blood past the gills while the third keeps circulation flowing to the organs.
  • An Octopus has copper-based blood which is more efficient at transporting oxygen and colors their blood blue.
  • Their ink causes irritation to predators’ eyes as well as interferes with their sense of taste and smell.
  • Octopus arms can react on their own without the brain telling them to becasue 2/3 of its neurons reside in its arms.


  • Salmon is known as the “King of Fish.”
  • Atlantic salmon are unique in that they’re anadromous, or able to survive in both fresh water and salt water.
  • These fish have an amazing sense of smell.
  • The Latin root of salmon, means “to leap.”
  • Salmon only reproduce once in their lifetime.


  • Silverside is a small fish that doesn’t grow more than five inches in length.
  • They have a short life-span, only living about 2 years at the maximum.
  • Silverside congregate in schools in brackish waters or near sandy, grassy shorelines, where they lay their eggs.
  • These fish were named for the wide, silvery stripe on each side of their body.

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